About Us
Architeture Lovers
A Good Idea Makes All The Difference.
Holo-Studio, Architecture, Design and Consulting, is a creative office dedicated to thinking outside the box.
A Holo oferece o máximo de rigor e cuidado como se cada projeto e investimento fossem nossos. Acompanhamos-te de início ao fim. Assim não tens que te preocupar com processos e burocracias, podendo dedicar-te ao que realmente interessa.
We believe in a complete service that goes beyond architecture, and it's our goal to implement this in our work. We intend to help our clients, individual or organizational, to grow and innovate by creating strategic programs capable of encompassing the entirty of the proposal in order to maximize all investments. We seek to discover, identify, analyze and solve problems that each situation presentes.
Cool Facts.
The numbers speak for themselves.

We Holo
In an innovative and creative way.
A strong connection with our customers.
To different contexts.
Pro-activitly in designing new spaces.
The customer's opinion and vision.
That architecture is a means of solving social problems.
Explaining reasoning for solutions and decisions that are taken.
Extraordinary results for each proposal.
That architecture is open to a infinite possibilities.
Concisely to obtain the best final result.